Field Trip Performances “Frequently Asked Questions”
Q. How long is the performance?
A. All of our performances are approximately 50 - 60 minutes in length.
Q. How early should we get to the performance?
A. Theatre doors will open for seating approximately 45 minutes prior to the performance, we recommend arriving at least 20 prior to show time. Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of the theatre’s management. Tennessee Theatre Company does not issue tickets or seat vouchers; please bring a copy of your most recent invoice/receipt with you. The theatre ushers will have a check-in list of all paid schools/groups/individuals attending the performance. There will be a contact person available in the lobby if any questions arise.
Q. Can we bring our final payment the day of the show?
A. No. For safety reasons, we will not be able to accept payments at the performance site. Because we start touring in February and travel the rest of the school year, all payments are due prior to the production. Please attach a copy of your invoice with your school’s check. Please send one check for all students and parents (please do not send individual checks from your students.) Check should be made out to: TENNESSEE THEATRE COMPANY and mailed to: Tennessee Theatre Company, 242 West Main St. #361, Hendersonville, TN 37075. Payments are confirmed via e-mail, you will receive a receipt noting payment. If there is a problem making payment by the due date, please call or email and let us know.
Q. What if we gain students after we the send payment?
A. You will have up to 72 hours prior to the performance to add students or adults to your order by using a credit card or paypal further down on this page. You will be emailed a receipt, bring it with you to the show it will serve as your ticket. Reservation increases will be subject to availability of seats.
Q. When will I receive the study guide?
A. The educational study guide will be sent to you six weeks before the production, unless requested earlier.
Q. Can you accommodate handicapped students?
A. All performances are handicapped accessible. Please let us know about any special needs.
Q. Are we going to get good seats?
A. Seating is general admission and is handled on a first come, first served basis.
Q. Can you give me directions to the theatre?
A. With your invoice and receipt you will be sent the address and link for directions to the venue of the production your school is attending.
Q. What If this field trip is canceled?
A. If your school must cancel up to four weeks before production date; payment will be refunded or credited. Within four weeks of production, tickets are not refundable, unless Tennessee Theatre Company is forced to cancel the performance, in which case all payments will be refunded. If a performance is canceled due to weather or act of God, we will call you as soon as possible to discuss rescheduling your performance. If you are unable to attend the rescheduled performance, we will issue a refund or credit. If your school is forced to cancel the contract due to reasons other than an act of God, we ask that you please notify TTC as soon as possible so that other requests may be satisfied.
We ask that all teachers discuss theatre etiquette their students. The experience of attending a live performance is a special one in our digital world, and we wish to help you and your students reap the most from it.
Basics of Theatre Etiquette to share with students:
We're excited that you'll be joining us for a show. Theatre is live, so watching it different from watching a movie. The actors on stage can see and hear you just as you can see and hear them. Because of this, you play a special role in helping to tell the story. As an audience member, you have both opportunities to participate and responsibilities to consider.
- If something in the show makes you want to laugh, clap, play, sing or dance, please do!
- Your reactions make the play fun for the actors and the audience (The actors can hear you.)
- However, please stay in your seat, and do not talk to your friends during the performance. Extra noise can distract the
actors and make it difficult for them to perform (Again, the actors can hear you.)
- When you arrive at the theatre, an usher will help you to your seat. Right before the show is about to begin, the lights in
the theatre (“house lights”) will go off. Don't panic! This happens so you can see the stage.
Be Orderly – Safety is our primary concern. It is imperative for students to enter and exit the theatre in an orderly fashion. No running, pushing, or horseplay.
Listen and Observe – There is much to hear (dialogue, music, sound effects and voice inflection) and much to see (costumes, props, set design, lighting effects and architecture of the theatre).
Refrain from distracting the actors and others – Use of cameras, camcorders and flashlights is not allowed during the performance. Restrooms should be visited before or after the performance, if possible. Steady streams of students leaving and re-entering the theatre distract the performers and audience alike. Inappropriate noises may be fun to the individual but very distracting to others.
Unacceptable or dangerous behavior - Throwing objects is dangerous; spitting is unsanitary; inappropriate noises are disturbing. Such behavior will result in a student or class being asked to sit in the lobby or leave the theatre during the remainder of the performance. If any objects are thrown on stage, the show will be stopped. Balcony seats seem to invite unacceptable behavior. Teachers, be alert!
No chewing gum and snacks – Food and gum are not allowed inside the theatre. Teachers please see that snacks and gum are left on the bus or deposited in trash receptacles at the theatre entrance.
Dress appropriately – Attending the theatre is a special and exciting occasion. Dress clothes are appropriate.
Thank you and enjoy the show!